Sunday, September 15, 2013

I Guess Ignorance Is Bliss

So, we went to the zoo today. Nope. I don't have kids. And yes, it's what I wanted to do for MY birthday that's coming up this Tuesday. Hey. What can I say? I really love animals. I love our local zoo, too. There's animals there that I have never seen at other zoos. Like koalas, wallabies, komodo dragons and such. It's pretty awesome. 

Since we live in Tampa, the zoo is pretty much open 365 days a year and only closes on days that the weather is bad. We have been planning on going today for several weeks now. And just recently we found out that they were having a promotional day today. Every quarter, they have a $6 admission day. That was today. And it was the last one for the year. Did I mention the heat index was 101°F today too? 

I'm thinking everyone and their mother was at the zoo. I have never seen it this crowded before. And we have gone several times before. I really don't mind the crowds...or even the heat.Although it seemed hotter with all those bodies there. What I DID mind was the pure asinine behavior. The rudeness and the jackasses. And those were ALL from the adults. I tend to cut children a little slack. Because, well, they're kids. And it's the zoo. Kids tend to get a bit excited at the zoo when they see new animals they aren't accustomed to seeing on a regular basis. 

But, damn. The adults were acting like they should have been kids...or worst yet, the caged animals we were there to see. There were people that would be walking along in front of me and then just stop in the middle of the walkway and expect us to go around them. Ummm.....Never mind that I am in a wheelchair. That is just fucking rude. I don't care what the situation is. If you're not about to puke or pass out, get the fuck out of the way. 

At the mandrill (primate kinda like a baboon) exhibit, I patiently waited my turn to get up to the window to see them. Beautiful animals by the way. But just as I got up there to see them, this dude walks RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and blocks my view. I DID notice that he was missing his arm from the elbow down. But you know what? Disabilities don't excuse rudeness. I looked at him and loudly said, "DUDE!!!! REALLY???!!! YOU CANT SEE ME HERE??!!?" He just turned his head and ignored me. But after a few seconds he did walk off. I may or may not have whispered an expletive under my breath. Okay....I did. 

I think the worst experience was in the African exhibit. There was the very loud, very large man obnoxiously telling everyone about all of the animals. It would have been impressive. However, each exhibit has the information for all of the animals in that exhibit and it was clear that he had been reading it. But then he just starts yelling at the animals and making weird sounds. Parents started yanking their kids away from him out of fear. But he was so oblivious to it all.  He just kept right on "harassing" the animals. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he was drunk or had Tourette Syndrome!!! But, I think he was just an asshole. Well, there must really be a God. When he was acting a fool, all of a sudden I sneezed. Tristen and some lady blessed me. I looked over at the fool and said, "Thank you. I think I'm just allergic to bullshit." Finally he walked off. 

Now is my advice for people when they go to the zoo or amusement parks. I know I'm gonna make some people mad or offend someone out there. Okay. I make no apologies for anything I say. Parents, if your child is too young to walk, it's too young to go to the zoo or other type of park. It's hot and there's a lot of people there. The baby doesn't know what is going on. He/she just doesn't belong there...wait until they are 2 or older. Which brings me to my next statement. Now your child can walk. Stop putting those damn leashes on your child!!! Leashes are for animals. Not humans!!! Hold their hand or keep them in the stroller. If you can't do that, then again....keep your ass and your child's ass at home. Leashes on a child....or a 6 month (or younger) old baby on a hot ass day at an event they will not remember attending are 2 of my parenting pet peeves. 

Ummmm.....other than all of that, I had a great time and got some great pictures! I always do!!!

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