Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why Men Cheat

I watched a very interesting episode of Steve Harvey's talk show today. It was a focus on why men cheat. There were even a panel of men who admitted to cheating in the past....including Steve. They have all reformed their ways and no longer cheat on the women in their lives. Not including Steve, 2 of the men were single. The other 2 were married. One of them was still married to the woman he cheated on. Women from the audience were given the chance to ask them all questions about their adulterous pasts and the panel gave very candid answers. 

Each was asked if they had felt guilty after cheating. They all admitted yes. The married guy cheated 9 years ago and he STILL feels guilty for what he did to his wife and children. And now, he has a child with the woman he cheated with. And he feels guilty about that too. 

The most important question asked of the panel was, "Why did you do it?" One admitted that he was basically bored in his relationship. The spark was gone. His wife had stopped being sexy. So, he started talking to someone who gave all of that back to him and it escalated from there. One of them admitted it felt as though his manhood was in question because his wife asked another guy for money. The married guy started talking to a female friend...and again, things just escalated. They ALL pointed out that even in their opinions, cheating is not just physical. That once you make that emotional connection with someone that is not your significant other, you are cheating. 

Steve pointed out that in every single case, it was NOTHING that the wife did or didn't do that caused the infidelity. Even for the men whose significant other quit dressing sexy or the one that borrowed money from another man. He mentioned that in each situation, it was an insecurity with the man that caused it. I believe that too. He was quick to point out that the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater" is false. I wholeheartedly believe that.  “Every man can change, and every man eventually will change, but there is only one woman that we will change for.”---Steve Harvey 
I will go a step further. Men aren't the only ones that cheat. Women do too. And I think their discussion can apply to women too. 

Here's a clip from backstage:

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