Thursday, November 14, 2013

Food Allergies

I decided on this topic because the holidays and food frenzy are among us. We will be bombarded with holiday dinner parties that we did not host and food dishes that we have NO clue what is in them. It is estimated that 15 million Americans and 1 in 13 children under the age of 18 have some kind of food allergy. I am one of those people. About 10 years ago, I developed an allergy to green bell peppers and to blackberries. Both of which I love dearly. 

I have been invited to dinner before and had people tell me, "Well, yeah. It's got green peppers in it. But they're cut really little and there isn't THAT many in the dish at all" Are you freaking kidding me???! ONE minuscule sliver can cause a reaction for me...and many others with food allergies. I don't really expect people to change up their whole menu to accommodate those of us with food allergies, lactose intolerance, and gluten intolerance. Just let us know what's in the dish. We should be given the choice to avoid a food that may cause some sort of reaction for us. And we should do it without ridicule or being made to feel guilty for something that is not our fault. 

Food allergies can be VERY uncomfortable and cause itching and rashes or blisters. And they can be down right fatal....that dish that doesn't have "THAT many tiny peppers" can send us to the emergency with anaphylaxis and can potentially kill us. (My allergy borders on the VERY uncomfortable side). 

If you are hosting a dinner party and you cannot alter a dish that someone may be allergic to its ingredients, please do not "bully" them for their allergy. The fact that they cannot eat it is nothing against you and your cooking. It's a true medical condition. It's nothing for you to be offended about. So, just tell them that you understand and offer them another one of your delicious dishes that they CAN eat. 

If you are the person with the allergy, be FIRM. If you find you're at someone's home and they will not back down, BE FIRM. Do not back down. You're life is too important to do that. If they will not stop, tell them that you appreciate their invitation, but that you must leave. Then go veg out somewhere that you can eat whatever you want with no repercussions. Also, be proactive. Take medication with you wherever you go...whether it's an Epi-pen or Benadryl....or anything you make have to take if you have accidentally ingested food that you're allergic to. 

Happy and SAFE eating and happy holidays!!

If you'd like more information on food allergies, please visit:

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