Monday, June 13, 2016

#PrayForPeace (Warning: Explicit Language)

A little more than a year ago, I became a direct sales associate. I decided then that I was gonna "be smart" on Facebook where I do the bulk of my sales. I was no longer going to post anything about politics or religion. And I was going to stop cussing and being vulgar. Basically, I was going to stop being myself so that I can appear bipartisan and gain a few bucks. Basically, I sold myself out. And this blog is going to make up for every last thing I have wanted to say, but didn't. If I lose sales or friends over it, so be it. I don't want your friendship or dollar if you are so filled with hatred that you can't see straight anyway. I'm sick of the racism, discrimination, and bigotry that goes on in this country. I want no part of it!! 

I knew nothing about the attack in Orlando until 1:30pm today. In some ways, it's wonderful to disconnect from social media and the Internet to spend time with loved ones. I do that on Sundays and Mondays to spend time with my husband on his days off. My heart ACHES for everyone there...for their loved ones....for the victims. 

I have friends and family that fall into every facet of the LGBTQ spectrum. THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE!!! They only want the same that everyone else live their lives without fear and hatred. They have that RIGHT!!! Just like me. Just like YOU! They are no different. Well, actually, some of them may be better than you and me. Who they sleep with. What they look like or how they style their hair. Their mannerisms. How they doesn't affect anyone but them. Leave them the fuck alone please!!! 

People keep mentioning that last night's attack was on a gay club. Some of you are basically saying it's okay. "Nobody cares about queers anyway." "Good, that's a few less fags I have to deal with. They're all a bunch of freaks." FUCK YOU!!!! Nobody cares about YOU, you homophobic pricks. And, in a sense, that's wrong too. Hate begets hate. It was a CLUB...The fact that there were gay people there is irrelevant. Human lives were lost. Stop putting the word "gay" or "bi" or "transgender"in front of other words. It's marriage. Not gay marriage. It was a club. Not a gay club. Stop labeling anyone for that matter. Black man. Mexican woman. Crippled child(for the record, I will throat punch you for using the word crippled.) We are all men, women and children. 

'It was a Muslim. ALL Muslims are BAD Terrorists.' You mean like all Christians are God-fearing, law abiding, people-loving individuals? Riiiight. I know a few Muslims. They are just as horrified of these attacks as any one Christian. We ALL know of Muslims. Comedian Dave Chappelle converted in 1998. Supermodel, designer and widow to David Bowie, Iman is a Muslim born in Somalia. Rappers Akon, Big Daddy Kane, Busta Rhymes, DJ Khaleed, Ghostface Killah from Wu-Tang Klan, Mos Def, Ice Cube, Everlast and T-pain are all Muslim. Dr Oz is a Muslim....He's also a quack. But I digress. Jermaine Jackson (Michael's Brother) is a Muslim. Muhammad Ali was a Muslim! Ahmad Rashad is a Muslim. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Yep. Muslim. Larry Johnson and Shaquille O'Neal are both Muslims too. Hakeem Olajuwon is. Rasheed Wallace. Hell, even Mike Tyson is! None of these mofos have shot up anybody in the name of Allah or Isis! My point is that not all Muslims are bad just like not all Christians are good. STOP BLAMING THE RELIGION! It's happening because these people are brainwashed into believing certain things are for the greater good. You know....Like a certain mustached dictator in Germany brainwashed millions of people during the early parts of the 1930s and 1940s.

I am so tired of people beating up on the Muslim religion. Human nature seems to be to fear what we don't understand instead of actually learning about it. And I am guilty of it myself at times. I will never forget, nor forgive myself when I was travelling one day and a Middle Eastern woman sat next to me on a plane. The fear I felt that one day is nothing compared to the shame I feel for my brief thoughts when I saw her. But, we spoke to one another and she was really nice. Another time, at the airport, I was assisted by a man from Iraq. We spoke for a moment and he was so pleasant. Very well spoken.He'd been in America for a few months. I can't imagine the racism and discrimination he receives working at an airport in North Carolina. I welcomed him to our country and I told him that I hope everyone he comes across welcomes him with an open mind too. And I mean it. (did you notice my label? No....let me correct it..... A WOMAN OF MIDDLE EASTERN DESCENT SAT NEXT TO ME)

Religion has nothing to do with how a person treats others. It's a guide. It has little to do with a person's moral aptitude. I know many atheists and agnostics. Guess what? They are some of the best people I know. Some Christians and Jews are some of the shittiest people I know. I'm not perfect, by no means. But I will, until the death of me, treat people with respect. All people. Even bigots. I do not know any other way to live my life. And it's so easy! I don't ever remember a time when mom pulled me aside and taught me that I needed to treat people well. It's something I just KNEW. We ALL know it. We are TAUGHT----or brainwashed into treating people shitty. To be fair, I do consider myself to be Christian. I believe in Jesus. I believe in God. I believe those that pray, pray to the same God. Depending on our religion, we just call him something different. I do not believe in the Bible. It is a book that can be interpreted 1000 different ways by 1000 different people and each of them thinks they are right and the others are wrong.'God did not send down a book. He sent His Son, Jesus. Jesus did not write a book, quote a book or pass out books. He lived a life that INSPIRED A BOOK WRITTEN BY MAN.' He was merely giving us an example of how He thought we should live our own lives. I would rather live up to His examples and live my life that way than by quoting some book that someone else will misinterpret anyway. 

Now....Politics (I told you I was going to say everything that I have wanted to say for a year. You should have known this would be long.) Donald Trump. FUCK HIM! I can't stand him. He's the ultimate racist, homophobic, bigot. His first "Tweet" regarding the attack wasn't one of sorrow and pain for the country he wants to run. It was this: "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness and vigilance. We must be smart!" He's more consumed with being right than he is about actually empathizing a nation. But, hey. He wants to make this nation great again. Fuck you Donald. We ARE a great nation. We have our faults(you and people like you are part of that.) But we are a great nation. We're a beautiful nation and I would not want to live anywhere else in the world. Again, I digress. Donald has a lot of followers that are voting for him. Liberal America explains it away as he's a racist bigot and his followers are a bunch of uneducated, racist bigots that just don't know any better. There is more to it than that. When he stands at the podium and tells Americans in small towns where the unemployment rate is sky-high that he's gonna send all of the Mexicans that stole their jobs back to Mexico and these small town folk will get their jobs back, it gives them hope. False hope....but it's still hope. Yes, I know, Clinton and Sanders both want to eliminate or lessen the unemployment rate. But, they don't speak the same language that a lot of Americans speak. It's a racist ignorant language. And Donald Speaks it well. The only wall we need built is the one that will keep him out. In my opinion, a man that mocks the disabled is not a man at all. 

And about this imaginary anti-immigration will that work? You all are so against immigrants that you forget none of us would be here if that wall existed and kept our ancestors out. Have a damn heart. America is a melting pot. A smorgasbord of culture. We have a little of everything and everyone here. We ARE the best. Is it so wrong that someone from another nation would want to come here to get a better life for themselves and their family? No....What would you do? You'd come here too. Or you'd want to. We build that wall, and you can't. 

Hillary is no better. She's got her hands in all kinds of illegal cookie jars. I want no part of that heifer. I'm a woman. But I don't have to vote for her just because she's a woman too. That's like people voting for Obama because he's black. Or, worse. NOT voting for him because he's black. Im not sure what I will do this coming election day. I so wanted Bernie to be the nominee. I have no problem supporting him. I truly believe he is for the people. For the first time since I was 18, I may just sit out this election and not vote at all. I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump. I didn't like that fucker before he got into politics. I sure as hell won't be following him now. The ONLY way I will vote for Hillary is if she chooses Bernie as her running mate. Either way, it's like voting for the lesser of 2 evils for the highest seat in America. The trouble with going for the lesser of 2 evils is that you are still choosing evil. 

Let's talk bathrooms! You gotta piss and you're transgender? I'll let you in the bathroom! I know you only wanna piss and I'm okay with that. I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid FOR you. For decades, our transgender friends have been able to use the bathroom that they want. Hell, for that matter, all of us have. I am a woman. But I have been in men's bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers when the women's accessible one was out of order. No transgender person is going into the bathroom to rape, kill, or maim you or your children. They just aren't. And if they were, they wouldn't be concerned about the laws. 

That's the thing about laws. They only work if people obey them. They aren't deterrents to keep criminals from committing crimes. If that were the case, the death penalty would have abolished murder centuries ago. There are people that are fucked up in the head that will never obey laws and rules. It's just the way it is. That being said, there is no circumstance or situation that you can tell me about that a civilian needs an assault rifle. So, yes. There ARE some gun laws that need to be more strict. There again, it'll only work with the people that choose to obey it. Speaking of guns. Well, lookie here. Here it is...June 13th and Obama hasn't taken nary a damn gun from anybody. Your fear is invalid. Whoda thunk that? Uh....Most of America and the rest of the world actually! 

So....there you have it. I am a Democrat. A Bernie Sanders follower that doesn't care for Hillary. I don't like all. I'm a Christian that believes in God and Jesus. But I don't follow the Bible. I believe in taking away assault rifles and letting those not comfortable with the body they were born with to choose the bathrooms of their choice. I believe in being kind and loving one another. I believe in tolerance for all races, religions, creeds, sexes, and genders. And I believe you have the right to feel the exact opposite as me. I am ok with what you want to believe as long as you are okay with what I believe. We will never change each other's mind. And as long as you don't spew hate, you're all right in my book. If you do, well....I just can't kick it with you. 

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