Tristen and I went to the Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey (hereafter
called, RBB&B) Circus last week "because I have not been since I was 9 years
old & I wanted to go." I was struck by how many petitioners were there,
lining the streets to the coliseum. Yet, I could not bring myself to look one
petitioner in the eye. I think, partly because I didn't want them lashing out at
me. I told Tristen that I understand that they are just exercising their rights,
but that it was idiotic. Surely, in 2014 if the circus mistreated any animals,
it would be shut down by PETA. Right? He just said meekly, " I don't know. I hope
you are right." The sight of the petitioners stayed with me all night. Fast
forward to the show. We're having a blast (well, I am, anyway) watching the
clowns and aerial acrobats; but I want to see the animals! There's an
intermission in which someone is reading a bunch of "facts" about the circus's
animal conservation efforts. Finally they come out!! I don't see the first
bullwhip, prod or ankus(its like a fire poker, seriously). So I'm thinking,
"Great!! I'm right!! They don't hurt their animals!!". But wait. The lions,
tigers and elephants don't act like that in the wild. They don't do those
things. I slowly realize that they ARE mistreated if they are being "trained" to
react this way because this IS inhumane. The information read during
intermission is just smoke and mirrors. I see the discoloration on the
elephants' ankles from the shackles. I KNOW this isn't right, now. Hell, they
don't even have the content look of the animals at the zoo. We get home and I
think about it all for a few days. I finally go on the internet to do my
research and my heart just sinks. Hell I'm damn near tears just writing this.
And I can't believe that after everything I've been reading that ANY circus (some zoos too) is
still in business, let alone RBB&B. Though, maybe there are circuses that treat the animals better---I haven't found one yet in my research. But RBB&B is a multimillion dollar
business. They can afford any and all lawsuits against them. They just pay the
fines and keep on trucking like it never happened. I've now read I think about
everything they've ever been charged with. And its horrifying. Hell, a cruelty
to animals lawsuit was just brought against them again this past December. What
I stupidly thought would be results from a time long ago before PETA and laws
existed to protect these creatures, turned out to be MUCH more recent than that, including animals getting
diseases and dying from them. Diseases that don't occur in the wild. like tuberculosis and herpes. A lot of
this abuse occurs right here in Florida at their "conservation" facility. Remember the
Disney movie, "Dumbo"? Remember how the elephants were mistreated? It's not just
a cartoon. It's real life. Walt knew what he was talking about. These animals
are beaten, starved, chained up for HOURS in small, confined spaces and severely
I have always considered myself to be pretty intelligent. So, why didn't I already know these things? Why have I always turned a blind eye when the evidence has always been right there to find? I'm still doing more research on all the animals. But it seems the beautiful and majestic elephant is the one that is tortured the most. But there have been reports of a lion mistreated as well. He actually died from heat exhaustion and lack of water while travelling through the desert. The USDA has filed charges against RBB&B for forcing animals to perform when they are sick and diseased too. Though it was many years ago, in 1929, John Ringling ordered the execution of a majestic bull elephant named Black Diamond after the elephant killed a woman who had been in the crowd as he was paraded through a Texas city. Twenty men took aim and pumped some 170 bullets into Black Diamond's body, then chopped off his bullet-ridden head and mounted it for display in Houston, Texas. Could they not have euthanized the elephant more humanely???
Remember me mentioning the ankuses earlier? Also known as an elephant goad or bullprod, the ankus is inserted into the elephant's sensitive skin, either slightly or more deeply, to cause pain and induce the elephant to behave in a certain manner. Eventually, just the site of the prod will incite enough fear to insure the desired behavior. It consists of a hook (usually bronze or steel) which is attached to a two- or three-foot handle. Following, is am extremely graphic video obtained that shows the abuse when the ankus is used. Notice the "Greatest Show On Earth" headgear that many of the elephants shown are wearing. The following graphic picture also shows the prod in use.
And what about that Pegasus, mammoth and
unicorn on display in this year's "Legends" tour? Do you REALLY think it's fair and humane to the animals to be forced to parade in "costumes" the way they are? Pegasus, is just a plain old every day horse forced to wear fake wings. The same goes for the horse made to look like a unicorn with it's fake horn. And I don't even want to know what the poor elephant went through to be forced into a "costume" that made her look like a woolly mammoth!
Last week was, indeed, my LAST week of ever seeing another circus. And I will not knowingly attend any event held by Feld Entertainment... the parent company that produces Ringling Bros. I will not finance a company that participates in these vile acts. I can't undo my past participation of their cruelty to animals. But I can certainly stop it in the future and continue to educate myself (and you) in the future.
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